Let’s talk about CHRIST

As part of a series of lessons about evangelism, part 3 is about Redemption through CHRIST.

Jesus Christ was CRUCIFIED for us.

Jesus Shed HIS own blood.

Jesus was RAISED from the dead.

Jesus is the very IMAGE of the Invisible God.

Jesus is God’s SACRIFICE for us.

Jesus TASTED death for everyone.

Here are some questions for us…

Have we CRUCIFIED the flesh? Gal 5:24

Have we come in contact with HIS BLOOD? Rev 1:5; Matt 26:28; Acts 2:38.

Have we been RAISED to walk in newness of life in Baptism? Rom 6:3-6.

Are we striving to IMITATE Christ in this life? John 13:15.

Are we offering SPIRITUAL SACRIFICES in our own body? Rom 12:1; Heb 13:15-16.

Have we TASTED Death in baptism so that the second death has no power over us? Rom 6:3.

Would you like to study more about how to be Redeemed by the Blood of Christ? Click here for access to self paced studies.

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