Seeking Jesus in Mark 5

In Mark chapter 5, we read about several encounters of those seeing Jesus. Amidst the miracles and interactions, these folks stand out, each exhibiting varying degrees of fear or awe towards Jesus. Let’s look at a few of their stories and see if their fear was justified, or why they ought to have no fear.

The Legion: The first in Mark 5, is a man possessed by a legion of demons. This legion, fearing Jesus, pleads not to be tormented. Their fear stems from the recognition of Jesus’ authority over the spiritual realm. They understand His power to cast them out and disrupt their malevolent activities. Their fear is justified, for Jesus indeed removes them from the man, demonstrating His supremacy over darkness.

The Citizens: Following the exorcism of the legion, the citizens of the region witness the transformation of the possessed man. Instead of rejoicing at this miraculous deliverance, they are gripped by fear and beg Jesus to leave their region. Their fear is rooted in the disruption caused by His power. They show no concern for the one who has been restored from his torments. Their fear is misplaced by priorities that lead them to reject Jesus, despite this miraculous deed.

The Exorcised Man: The man formerly possessed by is now clothed and in his right mind, sitting at Jesus’ feet. He has no fear of Jesus, but rather a desire to go with Him wherever He goes. He is instead told to “go home and tell,” where he boldly proclaims all that Jesus had done for him; and they marveled.  

Jairus: a synagogue leader, approaches Jesus in desperation, pleading for his daughter’s healing. Despite his high status in society, Jairus humbles himself before Jesus, acknowledging His power to heal. His fear is one of urgency and desperation, fueled by the impending death of his beloved daughter. Jairus’ faith outweighs his fear as he trusts in Jesus’ ability to perform the impossible. Unlike the denizens of the region who rejected Jesus, Jairus pleads with Him to come to his house.

The Woman with the Issue of Blood: Amidst the crowd pressing around Jesus, a woman suffering from a twelve-year hemorrhage reaches out in faith, believing that merely touching His garment would bring healing. Her fear is one of vulnerability and shame, as she has endured societal separation due to her condition. However, her faith overcomes her fear, and Jesus commends her for her courage and belief, declaring her healed.

In reflecting on these characters from Mark chapter 5, it becomes evident that fear can manifest in various ways when confronted with the divine presence of Jesus Christ. Some respond with reverence and faith, while others react with skepticism and rejection. Ultimately, those who approached Jesus with humility and trust found freedom, and healing, while those who allowed fear to hinder their faith miss out on the abundant blessings He offers.



This is part 6 of a series called Preaching through Mark.

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